
Hey, I'm Katie!

Wife to this wonderful man.

Mother to these beautiful babes!


lazy Sundays
fall camping trips
collecting nail polish and sprinkles
being a devout Catholic
snuggles with my loves
capturing moments through photography
baking sweet goodies
window shopping
being a stay-at-home wife and mother

I met Beau in March 2011
We got engaged in November 2011
Found out I was pregnant in December 2011
Got married at the courthouse in January 2012
Had our marriage blessed by the Catholic church in May 2012
Gave birth to Owen in July of 2012
Moved into my parents basement in September 2012
Beau got a job with the police department in October 2012
Found out I was pregnant again in February 2013
Beau graduated the police academy June 2013
We bought our first home in July 2013
Gave birth to Liza Kate in November 2013

I figure if life is going to continue to move this fast I need to take the time to document the daily joys that I might otherwise forget. 
That's what this blog is for.


  1. I'm catholic too, and we got married at the courthouse but we have yet to have our marriage blessed >:0

    I want a teeny bit of pomp and circumstance and we keep postponing it lol

  2. Awh.. Your son is absolutely adorable!!! (: (: (: i found your blog from Sippy Cups and Pearls!! (: (: (:
    Life can be crazy fast but its beautiful. (:


  3. Oh my goodness, that is one cute chunkster! That sounds like a crazy year - crazy but good!

  4. Hi, new follower! Your baby is so cute! My daughter was never the typical chunky baby when she was little, and I was so envious of all those baby rolls I saw on other babies. It just makes them so much more cuddly! =]


  5. Aww I love your journey. I look forward to following your blog and getting to know you.


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