Thursday, March 7, 2013

30 second thursdays- who has it easier?

30 Second Thursdays

i'm linking up again this week for 30 second thursdays!
it's so much fun, so if you haven't done it yet click over to one of the hosts and join the party!

beautiful hosts
Kaitlyn // Wifessionals
Samantha // Hooah And Hiccups
Hallie // Life Oceanside

is it easier being a boy or a girl? would you ever trade?

yes my baby did just spit up on me...
i probably could have made a new video, but i crack up every time i watch this so i just had to share!
oh and i forgot to mention that i would never in a million years trade.
i like being girly and wearing make up and painting my nails
and hard as it was, i loved giving birth!


  1. hahahahahhahaha ohhh my gosh HOW perfect. Like perfect timing and everything.

    I am dying laughing.
    seriously, made my day.


  2. hahahah. Owen doesn't approve of your message!


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