Monday, May 6, 2013

This weekend was...


We had a busy weekend with Beau working late on Friday and two parties to attend on Saturday. Two parties, basically back to back, meant Owen didn't get a good nap which made for a very irritable baby. Both parties were fun though! First we had a family friend's First Holy Communion party and then a surprise birthday party for Beau's sister.
Saturday evening I started to feel terrible. My head was pounding and was nauseous. I quickly started feeling worse and worse and spent most of the night awake and in pain. All day Sunday wasn't much better so I was basically confined to the bed all day. 

And let me tell you something, Beau is the absolute best bedside nurse anyone could ask for! I am so so lucky to have someone to force me to rest when I need to even when I feel terrible that he's doing all the work on one of his few days off.

Thankfully I woke up this morning sans headache and I'm praying hard that it doesn't come back. 

unfortunately, because of the craziness of the weekend, I didn't snap one photo. Not one. I did however manage to find one on facebook :)

1 comment:

  1. Do you get migraines? I just started getting them in the last few years and can't believe how debilitating they can be! I always feel better after I throw up (TMI??) :)) Glad you are feeling better!


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